Excellent Customer Service
👌🏾 UG

You are in safe hands.

Our insurance solutions will help you focus on your goals without worrying about the risks and costs _

👌🏾 UG
Excellent Customer Service
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We help make your vision tangible.
Our insurance solutions will help you focus on your goals without worrying about the risks and costs.

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About Mayfair

Mayfair Insurance is a premier insurance company with a growing footprint in East and Central Africa. The company’s growth has enabled it to expand into the financial sector through its affiliate company Mayfair Bank.

Mayfair Insurance commenced operations in 2005 in Kenya and has since been growing at an exceptional rate. The company has since extended its regional presence to Zambia (2010), Tanzania (2016) Rwanda (2017), Democratic Republic of Congo (2020), and expanded its footprint in Uganda licensed to do Non-Life Insurance business from November 2018.

Our business performance has been on an upward trend since inception, experiencing phenomenal steady growth. This has marked us as a premier insurance provider and goes to show the level of satisfaction and trust that customers have in our service.

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