Travel Insurance COVID-19 Update

Esteemed Partners,  

please receive our kind regards.  Trust your families, colleagues and yourselves are keeping well notwithstanding the difficult times we are all going through due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to this Global Emergency and in order to facilitate the lives of our common Insured during this difficult situation, we, at MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, have made the decision of exceptionally flexibilize our position in the following areas regarding our Reinsurance Treaty:

  1. Waive the policy renewal restriction in our Treaty for those Insured that find impossible to return to their Countries of Origin due to the travel restrictions set by different Countries due to the Covid-19, within the validity of their Insurance Policies and allow the Insurance Company to issue renewal policies to those Insured that request such arrangement to give continuity to their expiring policies (please read the underwriting conditions below);
  2. Those policies that may exceed the maximum accepted consecutive period abroad per trip, can be renewed under the conditions of point 1 ONLY.

In order to have a better control of the application of these exceptional procedures we need you to respect the following premises:

  1. Policy renewals will only be accepted if the new policy is issued before the end of validity of the original policy and that the initial date of the renewed policy must be the following day after the end of the previous one. Gaps between policies (original and renewed one) will NOT be accepted.
  2. In case of claims associated to renewed policies, the Insured will be required to provide the original policy underwritten before the beginning of their International trip.
  3. The Terms and Conditions of the policy, with exception of those previously mentioned and waived until new notice is given, will be kept and will be applied.  Specifically those relating to Pre-existing medical conditions and any incident directly related to Epidemic or Pandemic situations which will continue being excluded from cover.

These measures will be valid from today, 20th March 2020 and up to the 31st May 2020 or until further notice is given.

We believe these two measures will help your Company to soften the Impact of the current crisis and will be appreciated by your Insured.

Shall you have any doubt or further request please do not hesitate to contact us directly